

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Your disappointment are for your appointment

Hi readers,
You see! the two words ( appointment & disappointment) are nothing but twins and they work together for the success of those with the achievers mind.

If you have rver been tossed by disappointment, there you can understand the value of an appointment " it takes only a man with glimpse of disappointment to be able to point the pens of an appointment"
So readers, if you have ever been in the shoes of disappointment, DON'T feel bad for it only gives rooms for an appointment.
BUT guess what!! you can succeed or achieve without been disappointed!
.......... its takes those with the laws and believe, And these laws is by having an achivers mind and spirit
You know! poeple with the achievers mind, LITTLE THING DONT COME THIER WAY NIETHER DISAPPOINTMENT, so its best to have an achieving spirit
so think achiving, act achiving and see the success so as to overcome disappointment

See you at the top with the achieving spirit!!!

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